हिमालया वेलनेस प्योर हर्ब्स अर्जुन कार्डिएक वेलनेस टैबलेट
हिमालया वेलनेस प्योर हर्ब्स अर्जुन कार्डिएक वेलनेस टैबलेट
Marketed By: Himalaya Drug Company
Manufacturer address: Makali, Bengaluru, KA, 562 162
Mfg.Lic. No.:
Country Of Origin: India
Pack Of: 60 tabs
Expiry: Jan 2026
Himalaya Wellness प्योर हर्ब्स अर्जुना कार्डिएक वेलनेस टैबलेट, पैक:- 60 टैबलेट की 1 बोतल, मार्केटेड/निर्मित: Himalaya Drug Company, निर्माता का पता:-Makali, बेंगलुरु, KA, 562 162, भारत
Product Type: Tabs
Key Ingredients: Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) bark extract (250 mg)
Allergen Information:
Directions for use: As directed by physician.
Dosage of Product: As directed by physician.
Concern: mproving coronary artery blood flow, reducing the chances of clot formation and protecting the heart muscles
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